Home Wireless Temperature Monitor

Raspberry Pi is a small computer which is very flexible to use by a beginner programmer and electronics enthusiast like me. Wanted to create a small project and thought of having some temperature sensors at different sections of the house.To do this, few electronics parts and modules like temperature sensor, rf transmitter/receiver, base modules and nodes for the sensors and of course some coding are needed.

Temperature sensors:

LM35 IC is one of the sensor selected to be used and there’s a lot of documentation on the web how to use it in Raspberry Pi or Arduino Board.

DS18D20 is another sensor selected, this is one-wire digital temperature sensor differ from LM35 which is an analog temp sensor and it will also work on Raspberry Pi and Aurduino board.

RF Modules:

Needed to get all the temperature reading  into one point and with the different the locations and distance of the sensors in the house, need to setup  wireless transceiver. Searching the web came across  with NRF24L01 modules and some libraries on the web. NRF24L01 with power amplifier was also decided to be the base system.

Temperature sensor nodes:

Making the sensor nodes footprint as small as possible, to do this It is decided to use Arduino-mini as the temperature sensor node. Assembled the arduino-mini, temperature sensor and RF transmitter and connected the 5-Volt power supply.


Base system:

At the time of project preparation and planning, Raspberry Pi 2 is the available model in the market. Purchased RPi2 and loaded the NOOBS, setup the Linux system. Downloaded and installed needed programs, libraries, sample codes and integrated the RF module.


Temperature Monitor GUI

Competed all the prototyping, code testing and system integration.

Script written in Python to capture and display the temperature readings of the wireless sensors.



That’s all for now….

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